I think the key points to remember from this week’s readings are the importance of relating to different publics, both internal and external, and that a PR practitioner may be involved in many different jobs/tasks.
The readings made me think more about PR theory/practice in that I considered the different interviews in PR FAQ’s and thought about which sort of PR I would most like to wok in.
I thought the reading from Melanie’s book was really interesting, in that the different people interviewed all had different things to say about their job. I thought it was interesting how the majority of interviewees said that on the job training helps a lot more than a uni degree, although the see the value in having the degree. This made me think more about work placements etc during uni.
This reading also made clear to me, although I did have some idea before, the number of different organizations that employ a PR team. These included government and non-for-profits, among many more.
The second reading I couldn’t get hold of, so I read chapter 11 from Public Relations: Theory and Practice. This spoke about internal publics (employees etc.) and ways in which to communicate effectively with them. Methods included newsletters, company newspapers, noticeboards, memos, awards, events, and intranets. The reading emphasised the importance of internal relations, and provided case studies that further proved the point.
Yoohoo Kristen!
I agree with your thought about the reading from Melanie's book. It was really interesting to see how different people feel about their jobs in this line of work. I think it was a positive thing that these readings helped in your decision about which area of PR you would like to work in.
Your blog shows you thoroughly read the information and understood what was being presented. The recognition of different organisations that employ PR practitioners is an excellent key point.
Keep up the good work!
I also found it interesting to read the accounts of people who work in the feild of PR, and what experience and qualififications they have. It was my first real insight into the role of a practitioner. Great blog Kristen.
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